A recent study revealed that people who work in the same organization for more than two years are 50% less paid than those who believe in switching their jobs. It is a universal truth that one can’t stay put at the same company for his/her entire lifetime. And now the added benefit of increased pay makes changing jobs inevitable.
Whether you have found a better career opportunity or are just feeling stagnated working in the same organization for such a long time, there is nothing bad in quitting your job. It is important that you leave the job in such circumstances but what’s more important is to quit it on good terms. Never let your decision of leaving the job, harm your professional image.
Listed below are some of the points that should be kept in mind if you are also planning to file your resignation soon.
Inform Your Employer Beforehand
The worst that you can do to your current company is leave without giving prior information. This would not only hamper the work but also cast a negative impact on your image. It is ethically incorrect to leave your job without informing your boss beforehand. Better still; tell them about your problem and let them address it before you take the decision of leaving.
Don’t Leave Behind Unfinished Projects
It is important that you complete the projects that you have taken up before leaving the job. Leaving behind unfinished projects is never the sign of a good employee. If you have to leave them unfinished then make sure that you create a report of all those projects. Remember, you still have to take the reference letter and the paycheck!
Don’t Forget About The Documents
There are certain documents that should not be forgotten before you leave your current job. Your relieving letter, reference letter, recommendation/appreciation letter and the acceptance of resignation are some important documents that you should have with you before you leave your job. These letters are a must to get you a better job and that too with an increased pay. If permissible, take a sample file of the non- proprietary projects that you have undertaken to add it in your portfolio.
Have A Transition File Ready For Your Replacement
Don’t leave a messy workspace and make sure that all your files and project work is arranged in a nice manner to help your replacement get through your stuff easily. If time permits, then jot down a transition plan. This plan should include the essentials like who would get what responsibility of your work, the pending status of projects, project completion/submission dates, how much work can be completed by you and how much your replacement would have to continue etc.
Don’t Cut-off With Everyone
Taking with you some important contacts is indispensable when you leave a job. You never know who you may need in near future. Don’t cut-off with all your employers or coworkers. Keep in touch with them as you may jump into them in a completely new industry, and may even find them as your senior; having their contact would help you get success.
Leave In A Professional Manner
Quitting a job is not easy; neither for you nor for the employer. But leaving on a good not is something that can be worked upon. It is human nature to get lethargic in the last few days of your work. Don’t lose your professional spirit and do unprofessional activities like coming late, taking long breaks or doing work uninterestedly. It is also not recommendable to badmouth the coworkers or employers or even persuade others to leave the company.
Whether you are leaving the company voluntarily or are being asked to leave it, there are certain things that should be kept in mind so as to create a positive image and leave on a good note. It is important that you keep in mind the points that we discussed above to not only share a good bond with everybody but also have excel in your professional life.