UPSC exams, SSC CGL exams, RBI exams, SBI PO exams, IBPS PO exams, LIC AAO exams, RRB NTPC exams, etc., are some of the top competitive government job exams. Lakhs and thousands of government job aspirants are eyeing to crack these government job exams and get placed in some of the most coveted positions. If you are also one of those candidates who are aiming to pass the government exams, here are some tips that will help you pass the written tests. So, without wasting any time, let’s have a read of the 10 genius tips to crack government job exams.

1. Know The Syllabus & Exam Pattern
The pattern and syllabus for government jobs competitive exams can change every year. Any government job aspirant must know the syllabus and the pattern inside out before starting the preparations. Go through the job portals like PlacementIndia.Com to get information about the exam syllabus and make a study plan accordingly.
2. Get Study Material From Different Sources
Getting the right study material is the key to cracking competitive exams and getting government jobs in India. Don’t rely on a single source for the study material. Turn towards the seniors, other government job aspirants, coaching institute friends, etc., to collect material for studying. In addition to that, there are several online sites, forums, and mobile applications that can provide you with a plethora of material to dig into and get prepared for the exams.
3. Plan Time Management For Preparation
Once you have all the study material with you, the next step is to make a timetable for preparation. This timetable should contain a breakdown of each and every hour of the day and what exactly is planned for it. A golden tip for government exams is to prepare the tougher topics first while saving an ample amount of time for the simpler topics. Note that at least 3-4 days before the exam must be spared for tests and revisions.
4. Conceptual Clearance Is The Key
While preparing for government exams, the key to success is conceptual clarity. If you are clear with the concept, you can any question related to that topic. However, if you have only crammed the questions, you’ll get stuck in any question that has even a slight change in the concept. Make sure the basic concepts, formulas, and other things are clear.
5. Get Library Membership & Study
No matter how quiet your home or study room is, the kind of study you can do in a library can never be done at home. So, take as many library memberships as possible to spend the majority of your day studying there. Not only can you get a quiet place to study without any disturbance but library membership would also get you access to thousands of books to study and prepare.
6. Make Notes Of Everything You Study
Making notes of everything you study and read is imperative to strengthen your chances of clearing government jobs exams. Making small notes would not just help you memorize everything but also be of great help during revision.
7. Keep Track Of Happenings In The World
In simple words, read newspapers daily, follow news channels, and know everything that is happening in your country as well as the world. A sizeable portion of the competitive exams is based on general knowledge and awareness. By following the daily headlines, you can be certain of scoring marks in these topics.
8. Give Mock Tests & Solve Previous Year Papers
There are several libraries and online platforms where one can enroll or register to get the previous year's papers. You can solve these papers to know your weak points and what types of questions are regularly asked. You can also register on different online apps and websites to give their mock tests. These tests would not just help you get a better knowledge of your preparation but also help you manage your time well.
9. Create A Systematic Strategy For Exam
Once you’ve completed the syllabus and given a few mock tests, having a systematic strategy for attempting different sections of the exam paper is indispensable. Prepare a strategy on which section to cover first and what type of questions to answer. This will help you manage your time well during the exam. Also, apply this strategy in mock tests and keep working on the strategy until you feel confident to take on the paper.
10. Stay Motivated & Focused
Last but not least, staying confident, focused, and having patience is the key to cracking any government exam. Keep your goal in mind and wake up every day to cover as many topics as planned. Remember, stressing out wouldn’t help. Stay motivated and work hard to crack your government job exam.
Getting a government job is the dream of a majority of Indians and the aforementioned tips would only take you closer to making that dream a reality. If you are also a government job aspirant, keep these genius tips in mind and get started to crack the government exam in the next attempt.