It is quite common to see an engineer go for MBA. With fewer core jobs for the freshers, there is hardly much option for them to consider. But usually, they consider one thing which can give them better future options and job security than struggling with codes when all you did was to study machines. Less Technical jobs for the freshers is a very big issue which needs to be addressed, what with all these new colleges for engineering opening up in every town and city.
Positive Sides
Let us take a note on some of the positives.
Fresher's Dilemma
The most common reason for a B-Tech to go for an MBA degree is that there are fewer openings at the technical and cote levels. The lack in experience can make them anxious when they find no other option for them but to go ahead and try their luck in the management and the meanwhile accept whatever little pay they get at work.
At times when you hit upon the core jobs, you will get bored after some time. This is because the same technical job can make you feel exhausted and you may become melancholic after some years. People get the feeling that they are stuck in the race where things are not at all moving forward. Reality hits home and the engineers move forward to explore the only option that is closer and that is MBA.
Along with boredom, the other thing which gives you a nightmare is lack of growth and prospects in their job. It is like doing the same thing every day and with time the engineers lose hope about anything better in life. Therefore to attain new levels of growth they opt for MBA and learn management skills to their technical ones.
Comes Handy
The marketing and sales enhancement capacities are handy even if you know the technical skills are enough to get you a place at the company. The pricing of a particular product, its management and marketing, designing better strategies, analyzing the outcome to sell them off is very important and also helpful. All these are not taught in engineering. Hence leaving you to the only option and that is getting into a B-school. You will get the best MBA Jobs by having an MBA degree.
If engineering focuses on the creation of something, management is all about getting the creation sold out. If engineers are good at designing different things, MBA or management stores will make them able to deploy the design too. The soft skills are very important for you to learn and since that was never taken into consideration while you were graduating, MBA comes to the rescues.
MBA after B-Tech/BE depends upon person to person. It is alright to do MBA after B-Tech. First, the students who have the technical skills can explore the management skills and second is that in engineering you are not taught the skills of business or the soft-skills which are needed to convince. So it is beneficial to start up. Lastly, it is not about only job security, its about gaining knowledge and another skill from management.
There are plenty of colleges that offer MBA degrees after engineering. Some are Amity University, IIT Kanpur, Symbiosis and much more.
After you have completed your degree you can choose the online portals and look for jobs. These portals have jobs daily. So why wait when your dream job is just a click away, register and apply for the jobs available at the online website.
Get into MBA and get the best MBA jobs in the best companies without any trouble and have a better future.