All the candidates appearing for an interview expect to get short-listed. However, to receive a call for an interview, one has to be very careful about some things if he/she wants to pave the successful path of getting a job of his/her choice. While registering with any of the job placement websites.
Eight prominent points that will help you in increasing your chances of Getting Shortlisted
- Updating Profile - Updating your profile regularly is as essential as getting a job. One must be very careful about updating one's profile at least once in three months. An optimist person would have learned to handle new responsibilities in a short interval of time, which one must not forget to add to the profile. Your recent achievements will attract the attention of the recruiter.
- Heading of the Resume - Your resume headline should contain your summary of experience mentioned in short and crisp words. A precise and understandable headline of your resume drives you towards the chance of being noticed by the recruiter.
- Mentioning Skills - Every person appearing for an interview possesses different skills, which are required to be mentioned on a resume. The skills should be mentioned in an appropriate way to highlight your unique professional strengths. It is extremely important to cite the tasks you are proficient in.
- Filling the Profile - One should be very clear about filling in all relevant spaces in the profile to be registered. Giving relevant information regarding your skills, education, etc. can make it possible for you to accomplish the task and win the challenge of being short-listed among all those who are seeking the same job.
- Accurate Contact Details - Recruiters many a times are trapped in a situation where they are not able to contact a person whose details are not appropriately mentioned on the profile. The mobile number, e-mail address, or other contact details mentioned on the profile should be accurate and can help you grab the opportunity of being selected.
- Regularly Login - If you have made a profile on any of the job-related websites, you should spare your time logging in at regular intervals. As your last login details are available on the site, the recruiter can easily make out about your interest in getting a job and knows how actively you are looking for it.
- Resume Status - As we are regular and very fond of updating our status on other social networking sites, a similar treatment is required in updating your status at job-related sites. Set your resume status active and update it with new relevant information.
- Addition of CV notes - To give a lively appearance to your resume, the best way is to add CV notes, which give a glance at all the updated information related to your recent achievements, etc.
Thus, following the above points will surely change your status from unemployed to successfully employed.