Quilon Educational Consultancy
Kottarakkara, Kollam 12 Years in Business

Quilon Educational Consultancy is recognized by Gov of India with ISO 9001:2015 Certified Consultancy. Quilon Consultancy takes place in providing admission guidance in most of the reputed institutions offering education in every sphere . We guarantee about every individual needs till you complete the course. We also provide the best placement and job assistance for students after course completion.

Services Offered

Education Consultancy

Counselling falls under the umbrella term 'talking therapies' and allows people to discuss their problems and any difficult feelings they encounter in a safe, confidential environment. QUILON CONSULTANCY's Counseling are being conducted in most of the schools and colleges. Individual counseling is also done by out team . A counsellor is not there to sit you down and tell you what to do - instead they will encourage you to talk about what's bothering you in order to uncover any root causes and identify your specific ways of thinking. The counsellor may then look to create a plan of action to either help you reconcile your issues or help you to find ways of coping. Read More

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Industries we serve

Education / Teaching / Training / Colleges /Institutes / Universities Banking / Financial Services / Stock Broking Call Centre / BPO / KPO / ITES / LPO

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Quilon Educational Consultancy

  • Kottarakkara, Kollam, Kerala

3 Quilon Educational Consultancy Jobs and Careers

Academic Counselor (only Females)

Quilon Educational Consultancy

  • Location Kottarakkara Kollam
  • Experience 0 - 2 yrs
Career CounsellorAcademic CounselorWork From Home

Branch Incharge (Female Candidates Preferred)

Quilon Educational Consultancy

  • Location Thiruvananthapuram
  • Experience 1 - 3 yrs
  • Salary 2.0 Lac/Yr
Academic CoordinatorBranch Incharge

Looking For Branch Operations Head (Only Females)

Quilon Educational Consultancy

  • Location Kottarakkara Kollam
  • Experience 3 - 6 yrs
  • Salary 2.0 Lac/Yr
Academic CoordinatorBranch Operations Head

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