Lecturer Activities Jobs in Ahmedabad

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Class Teacher (Female)


  • Experience 0 - 1 yrs
  • Salary 0.8 Lac/Yr
  • Location Meghaninagar Ahmedabad
lecturer activitiesteaching and managementteaching assistantclass teacherschool teacher

Pre School Teacher (Female)

Pre School

educationlecturer activitiesprofessor activitiesrnhandle small toddlerspassion for teachingpre schoolschool teacher

Commerce Teacher

Vedic era

  • Experience 1 - 5 yrs
  • Salary 2.0 Lac/Yr
  • Location Chandkheda Ahmedabad
teachinglecturer activitiescommerce teacherteacher

English Teacher


  • Experience 1 - 5 yrs
  • Salary 2.0 Lac/Yr
  • Location Ahmedabad
educationlecturer activitiessocial scienceteaching englishenglish teacherteacher

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  • Experience 2 - 8 yrs
  • Salary 1.5 Lac/Yr
  • Location Ahmedabad
educationteachinglecturer activitieshistory teachercomputer teachersociology teachereconomics teacherocmteacher