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The top job portals Surat are Naukri, Indeed, Monster India and LinkedIn. And each site offers opportunities for all types of industries.
Surat is famous for its diamond, textile and IT Industry. Max number of Jobs in Surat are presented by these industries with a ease, few Job Categories as such Retail sectors / Healthcare.
Yes, there are lots of part-time jobs in Surat for freshers pockets and companies (primarily IT, Sales & Textiles) that provide great opportunities to start your career. There are many entry-level positions that various companies have to offer which can be a good jumping point for your career.
Surat is a rapidly developing city and also well known for its IT, and diamond industry with it being the world's largest Trade Center of diamonds & textiles some jobs in Surat get top salaries. Some of the best salary jobs are that of IT project manager, diamond export manager, and textile designer.
If you want to learn some of the best professional courses in Surat, then take advantage below list with various course types like IT course (Information Technology), Textile Course, Diamond Cutting, and finally communication skills techniques. In such fields, many local institutes teach these courses.
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