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There are many quite good job portals, such as PlacementIndia.com, Naukri.com, and Indeed.com. There, you can collect the postings from various areas and rank them according to your preferences.
Entry-level positions pay very modestly at best, but with IT and healthcare, to name a few, it is generally much better for new graduates who have the right combination of skills or internships.
All these factors, including completing courses in relevant fields, networking with other professionals at your place of employment, and tailoring your application submissions should all improve overall job prospects.
Examples of most in-demand jobs near Patnawould include teachers, IT staff, customer service representatives, sales, and medical doctors and nurses.
Check the best job sites frequently, or subscribe to their alerts whenever there is a new posting matching what you are looking for. You can use PlacementIndia.com as an example.
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