Shreejee Infosolution was established in 2015 and we cherish the availability of technical knowledge along with the privilege of cost-effectiveness. Our company provides creative solutions that not only cater to current but future needs as well. Our approach towards our work has always been positive and we aim at offering unique and innovative solutions keeping in mind your target audience. Our team excels at seamlessly combining the expertise, experience, and innovation to provide you with the
... more Shreejee Infosolution was established in 2015 and we cherish the availability of technical knowledge along with the privilege of cost-effectiveness. Our company provides creative solutions that not only cater to current but future needs as well. Our approach towards our work has always been positive and we aim at offering unique and innovative solutions keeping in mind your target audience. Our team excels at seamlessly combining the expertise, experience, and innovation to provide you with the best solutions. It's been 2 years since we have been in the software industry and we have completed 5 in-house projects. All of them are Android-based applications with strong backend support.