At Rockers Technology we strive to be full-service Web Company and offer variety of Professional services and solutions to our clients. We have expertise in Cake PHP, Codeignite, Joomla, Wordpress, Zend framework,Custom php development and many more. We have generated clients in more than 300 clients in more than 20 countries. We are proud and hold our heads high for what we are today because it is purely our sincere efforts, hard work, and our skills. We provide service to fulfill someones ambi
... more At Rockers Technology we strive to be full-service Web Company and offer variety of Professional services and solutions to our clients. We have expertise in Cake PHP, Codeignite, Joomla, Wordpress, Zend framework,Custom php development and many more. We have generated clients in more than 300 clients in more than 20 countries. We are proud and hold our heads high for what we are today because it is purely our sincere efforts, hard work, and our skills. We provide service to fulfill someones ambition and objectives with our knowledge and dedication. We always thrive to for our success as well as our clients success and that is our real achievement.