he unmatchable legacy of RJR stands strong for 4 GENERATIONS till date for over 150+ years. Our branches are spread all over the southern states of India, whilst our roots are fixed in the very own land of the ancient siddhars. Our chief, Mr.S.R.Jeyadurai, begun his awe inspiring journey as the founder of RJR HERBAL HOSPITAL by following the footsteps of his ancestors. The spark for RJR was started first by our honourable chairman's great grandfather, whose life has a radical link to RJR's motto- "To Build The Healthy Society".
He was a native of TAMILNADU, who worked as a physician for the Sri Lankan royals, administrators, and noble families around early 1850's. The Royals and noble families of Sri Lanka were impressed with his diagnostic techniques and treatments and sought-after him for their medical needs.
Even when he was reaching great heights in the traditional medicine practice, he had the irresistible passion to help and heal the people in need around him. So, he started to treat patients in need with equally excellent medications for lowest charge or on the cuff. Still, his true desire was always to make the medical treatments and concoctions available for all the people of his homeland- both poor and rich equally.