QLS Academy
Indore, Madhya Pradesh 10 Years in Business

In our system, we focus on every chapter of a subject and never halt striving hard, until that particular topic has evenly fed into the students mind. For, this weve come up with diverse ways, to make students learn and enhance their knowledge, not just rigorously by heart the topic. Students will be taught with every minute detail with regular tests, so that we can easily evaluate the ongoing progress of the child. Our entire system has been integrated with core mechanism that is operational only through online mode. We also fully assure that after a student join hands with us, well only leave it when hes transformed into a real citizen with excellent principles and morals. Apart from building career, we are more into building their best suitable career by guiding them to make the right educational choices. So, that they can explore widely and develop the skills to succeed in their career and life.

1 QLS Academy Jobs and Careers

Product Demonstrator

QLS Academy

  • Experience 0 - 2 yrs
  • Salary 3.8 Lac/Yr
  • Location Indore
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