Our journey began via social media (YouTube and Facebook) by delivering short video blogs explaining science and engineering concepts of varying difficulty levels using their practical real world applications in the name of a channel, Lets Make Engineering Simple (LMES). People who started following our videos began to understand these concepts better and started to relate them with real-world applications around them. Over the past two years, we have enabled clear understanding on selected science concepts for over1+ million people through social media. At this juncture, we realized the need to take this understanding further for the development of the masses in society. Our digital selves went through a Big Bang to come to the real world and we evolved with the concept of a science fair from LMES called Big Bang. Other initiatives like e-content development, educational TV programs have also become a part of LMES Academy. In short, our motto is to promote application based learning which facilitates the learner to understand instead of promoting rote learning. LMES Academy strives hard to create awareness about the ease of science, by bringing an attitudinal change towards science. Be a part of LMES Academy for a better education system.