In the year 1945, a small proprietary firm named Shakti Engineering was started by a remarkable man Late Sh. P.N. Beri. It was a humble start with a workforce of just 7 people.
From that small beginning, the company grew to form a partnership firm in the year 1950 known as Leader Engineering Works, and as years went by this fledgling company grew to become a Colossus in the valve industry employing around 1500 dedicated employees, named 'Leader Valves Limited.'
From its pioneering days in the 40s Leader introduced Gunmetal Gate, Globe, Check Valves for domestic use. It has since then introduced the largest variety of valves to be produced under one roof. In our enhanced capacity we manufacture valves of Cast & Forged Copper and Ferrous based alloys, sizes ranging from 1/2 to 48 (1200 mm).