Laxmi Group of Institutions (LGI) run by 'Laxmi Educational Trust' was set up in 2017 to impart education and give training in Certificate and Diploma Courses. LGI is an Autonomous institutions registered under IT Act 1882 Govt. of India running under National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 - MHRD Govt. of India registered under CR-Act 1957 Ministry of HRD Govt. of India (Dept. of Secondary & Higher Education). Laxmi Group of Institutions established by an article 29 & 30(1) constitution of India. LGI is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization. LGI working under it's own constitution & Bye Laws to assure & promote the quality in the vocational courses. All Diploma/Certificates are awarded autonomously by the LGI.