FPDC Global
Horamavu, Bangalore

Every day, we help businesses and organizations reduce risk by providing background checks and employment and volunteer screening services. By embracing a higher standard of excellence, we deliver you superior results to assist in mitigating exposure to fraud, workplace violence and negligent-hiring lawsuits. Employers need much more than just raw data to operate a successful employment screening program. As one of the world's largest providers of employment screening services, FPDC Global specializes in helping organizations of all sizes and locations efficiently implement, manage and control their screening programs. Our customer-driven solutions and innovative technology provide you with an unparalleled user experience. You benefit with streamlined processes, cost savings, and paramount privacy and security when it comes to protecting sensitive information. You can trust that our stringent quality assurance and control processes ensure the information provided to you is of the highest caliber.

2 FPDC Global Jobs and Careers


FPDC Global

  • Location Bangalore
  • Experience 2 - 4 yrs
BeauticianNail ArtistNail ExtensionHair StylistHair Dresser

Legal Associate (Female Candidates Required)

FPDC Global

  • Location Banaswadi Bangalore
  • Experience 0 - 1 yrs
Legal ResearchCase AssistanceLegal Associate

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