Don Bosco Public School is a Co-Educational, CBSE Affiliated, English Medium Senior Secondary, Purely Residential School for boys and girls from different states, different calibers, different surroundings, different religions, different ways of life and languages and different traditions from class VI to XII come together to this home far away from home where they live together, learn together, come up in life together with a feeling of oneness, that we are the proud citizens of this country. The environment of Don Bosco Public School is safe, secure and apt for the overall development of children which is not possible outside a residential school. Little ideas, minuscule though they may be are picked up in school by the children and these ideas rule their thoughts in life. Every great and grand accomplishment in any field which is written in golden letters was initially a mere idea in the mind of a school child. The mind of the child is nothing but a bundle of thoughts , care is taken in Don Bosco Public School individually for each child to see to it that these thoughts are nurtured and turned into ambition in our children to make the overall development of the child.