ayurvedic companyDEEP AYURVEDA A Renowned & Authentic Ayurvedic Company and Manufacturer of Ayurveda Medicines & Herbal Products, based H.Q.in India and the International office is in Australia founded by Dr Baldeep Kour & Mr Vishnu Datt Sharma in 2006, DEEP AYURVEDA committed to provides authentic ayurvedic treatments and ayurvedic medicines to the world backed by the thousands of years old ancient Ayurved texts Like: Charak Samhita, Shusrut Samhita, Ashtang Sangrah, Bhav Parkasha Nighantu and many others & thousands of years of research done by our ancient scholars like Maharishi Shusrut, Maharishi Charka, Maharishi Vagbhat etc. and also clinical research is done on the basis of modern parameters by our Ayurveda doctors.