Training & Placement Coordinator

  • icon job experience 2 - 8 Years
  • icon job opening 30 Openings
  • icon salary 1.0 - 6.0 Lac/Yr
  • icon job location Delhi
  • Face-to-Face interview Face-to-Face interview

Job Description


1. Develop, implement and manage a variety of job placement and work-based learning activities for students,

including assessment for job readiness, career exploration, navigation, coaching and/or counseling, and job

preparation skills training.

2. Provide direct support to students, including information and guidance about requirements of specific

occupations; job market trends; proper work habits; and techniques for competing for jobs, including

appropriate dress, preparing resumes, and interviewing strategies.

3. Advise students in their preparation to seek employment.

4. Connect students to employers by facilitating interviews, matching students to internship sites, and assisting with

job placement.

5. Coordinate with career guidance staff to establish students’ goals and assess readiness for employment.

6. Prepare and deliver informational presentations to students in various locations and provide work placement

information to employers and representatives from the community.

7. Design and implement recruitment of students to participate in job placement activities.

8. Provide support for student participation in job placement activities, including documentation, transportation,

and communication between employers and students.

9. Serve as a liaison between the college, employers, and community regarding administrative and operating

requirements for the work-based learning and job placement program. Initiate and maintain regular contact with

various educational institutions and programs. Establish collaborative working relationships with other campus

program areas in developing and delivering innovative and comprehensive programs and services.

10. Develop and implement marketing plans and strategies for job placement and work-based learning


11. Utilize technology to promote job placement and work-based learning and maintain work-based learning/job

placement website and social media platforms and supports the piloting and implement
  • Experience

    2 - 8 Years

  • No. of Openings


  • Education

    M.A, M.B.A/PGDM, Any Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma

  • Role

    Placement Coordinator

  • Industry Type

    Education / Teaching / Training / Colleges /Institutes / Universities

  • Gender


  • Job Country


  • Type of Job

    Full Time

  • Work Location Type

    Work from Office

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