About Ejob Book
EJOBBOOK is a prominent job portal in Surat, Gujarat ,India. Launched in 2019, EJOBBOOK is providing placement services, helping candidates to find ideal jobs and companies to find suitable candidates. Millions of people in India AND GUJARAT are unemployed or underemployed, yet many of the employers cant find qualified candidates for their open jobs. Our mission is to empower employment in India and were striving to organize human capital data and make it meaningful for society. From the beginning, EJOBBOOK bridged gap between job seekers and recruitment companies. We provide wide and sophisticated job seeking, career management, recruitment capabilities by identifying top-level talent for employers looking for enthusiastic professionals across India.
At EJOBBOOK, we feel proud making mutually favourable matches between employers and job seekers, and try our best to ensure that each fulfils the requirements and expectations of others. We achieve this by deeply understanding the needs of our corporate clients and then using exclusive recruitment methods to find the most appropriate job contenders.