About Fullfilling Millon Dreams
Fulfilling Million Dream through Mass Entrepreneurship is a Section 8 ,Non Profit Company founded by Kamal Nangia and Gaurav Goyal who are on mission to support underemployed, unemployed urban and rural poor ,men and women , providing them support to set up small enterprises relating to manufacturing, servicing ,trading and petty business for which there is considerable local demand. We support in creating awareness of self- employment (entrepreneurial) opportunities; focuses on providing training , financial assistance to individuals/groups of urban and rural poor for setting up gainful self-employment ventures/ micro-enterprises, suited to their skills, training, aptitude and local conditions and also support Self Help Groups (SHGs) of urban and rural poor to access easy credit from bank and avail interest subsidy on SHG loans. On training there is a strong emphasis on technology usage, developing marketing skills and providing other handholding support services to the individuals, group entrepreneurs, SHG members and Urban street vendors/ hawkers engaged in micro enterprises for their livelihoods.