• The Staff Nurse reports to the Asst. / Deputy / Nursing Superintendent through the Nursing Supervisor.
• She / He is responsible for the Bed making, check the availability of requisition forms, thermometer, torch, tongue depressor in all the consultations rooms in the working conditions.
• As soon as she reports for duty, she / he is required to go to room nos., 6, 12, and 13 where special instruments are kept and ensure their availability and working condition.
• Daily inventory to be checked room wise.
• Assist the consultants as and when required during physical examination of the patient.
• Responsible for entering the receipt no., in the procedure book.
• In the peadiatric rooms, she will check the baby’s weight, height etc., Also give polio drops and injections.
• She / He is also responsible for the cleanliness (Waste segregation)
• Keep the treatment room fumigated every Monday morning.
• Attend the telephone calls.
• In the Ophthalmic OPD, the staff nurse will check for all the ophthalmoscope, lens, refractometer, thermal paper etc., She will also administer the drops for dilation of pupil, explain the procedure and the care after procedure to the patient.
• In the Gynac room she will assist for pap smear procedure, , do the pregnancy test, sugar albumin test etc.,
• In the ENT room she will assist for ear washing, nasal packing setting the microscope for the procedure and ENT examination.
• Special procedures are done in OPD treatment room such as bladder wash, urethral dilation, Male & Female intra vesicular chemotherapy, port flusing, (Chemo) fibre cast application. application, suturing, I&D, Carbuncle excision, suture removal, dressing minor and major, clip removal, cyst excision, chalezation excision, foreign body removal, ENT, Eye irrigation, corn excision, K Wire removal, proctoscopy, etc.,