Responsibilities & Duties:
��Break complex domain specific problems down to its simple parts, uncover the logical interrelationships between them and infer or discover new requirements from existing facts
��Design detailed algorithms & solutions and write implementable specifications to build Steerwise software platform
��Develop test scenarios, test cases & test data for all the combinations & permutations that are comprehensive & complete reflecting the actual operational aspects of Steerwise software platformBuild efficient, reusable & reliable Steerwise software platform specific service components & algorithms according to specifications; Integrate software components & thirdparty programs, tools, & platforms
��Adopt & execute leanagile, behaviordriven, & testdriven development methods
��Write unit, integration, & system test code and test data for functional verification of Steerwise software platform
��Write performance, scalability, availability & security related test code and test data for non-functional verification of Steerwise software platform
��Write infrastructureascode and configurationascode in a readable standard source format, maintainable modular form, and reusable code components
��Provision & configure environments; Deploy application packages & config specs; Deploy orchestration scripts, dataset migration scripts, rollback & redeploy scripts
��Annotate code, annotate APIs, annotate configuration files, annotate complex logic; Write build scripts,
library dependency lists, build tasks, scripts & configurations and bill of materials & build log
��Build source code & run tests cases; Perform unit & integration testing; Troubleshoot & debug issues; Review & refactor application & test code, automatic code inspection results, peer review source code
��Create & publish cookbooks, lightweight end user guide, lightweight developer guide, lightweight operational manual