Safeguarding & Promoting the Welfare of Children and young people.
North Road Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.
This post is subject to a DBS check along with relevant employment checks.
Our Vision and Values Statement:
We are a caring Muslim community where everyone feels valued, safe and adopts an I can attitude. All we do is underpinned by our Islamic faith and values which means we celebrate our faith, individuality and achievements through mutual respect and high aspirations in all that we do. We believe that each one of us has the ability to achieve our highest potential and dreams, through a journey of life-long religious and worldly learning.
*Overall Purpose of the Post*
All teachers are accountable to the Headteacher through their Line Manager. The post holder will be expected to perform the following duties and meet the teaching responsibilities as set out below. The post holder is responsible for promoting his/her own CPD to ensure that his/her skills, knowledge and understanding remain up-to-date.
The post holder will be involved in advising and co-operating with the Headteacher and other teachers on:
the preparation, development and review of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching, methods of assessment and pastoral arrangements all of which complement the school’s strategic aims and Islamic ethos
the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school
Job Purpose:
To implement and deliver an appropriately broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum to students and to support the curriculum area as appropriate.
To monitor and support the overall progress and development of students as a teacher and or form tutor.
To facilitate and encourage a learning experience, which provides students with the oppo