Engineer for commissioning of Substation Automation system.
a. Checking the Pre-requisites at site before energizing of the SAS Panel.
b. BOM of SAS Panel to be checked as per final as manufactured drawing.
c. Checking the networking materials as per BOM at site.
d. Networking of IEDs, servers, printers etc. as per architecture.
e. Powering ON the SAS servers, DR PC (EWS), Gateways, OWS after checking all necessary pre-requisites.
f. Checking the communication of all IEDs through DR PC (EWS).
g. Checking the communication of all IEDs to Local SAS servers, Gateway.
h. SNMP configuration checking for all IEDs if applicable for the project.
i. Network monitoring system configuration checking / testing for all devices if applicable for the project.
j. Operation checking of all Primary equipment’s from SCADA as per control hierarchy.
k. Conducting SAT as per approved SAT document.
l. No Engineering to be done by site commissioning engineers who are deputed at site.
Retrofitting of RTU:
a. Discuss with service recipient to finalize the requirement of RTU configuration.
b. Making Schedule for the RTU cable termination.
c. RTU configuration with the required software.
d. Testing of RTU along with service recipient.
e. Updating the drawing and making the as built drawings and finalize the same in discussion with service recipient.
f. Making final MOM with service recipient after completion of above activities at site.
g. Supply of materials:
h. Supply of materials on the request from Zonal Manager/ Service Head/ Project Manager.
i. Supply of materials to site upon the request from Zonal manager/Service Head/ Project Manager.
j. Making MOM with the service recipient for the list of materials Suppl