The job is about hiring candidates for freelance job involves finding best candidates suitable for project .Have excellent hiring skills to hire a team to complete freelance hired candidates should collaborate with one another in order to complete team size will be decided according to no. of projects allocated .The tech projects related to Web development will be allocated so hiring candidates according to client requirements team of hired candidates should complete the work in given duration. Should have experience of 5-6 years in hiring for freelance projects and have expertise in coding language and coding ld have hired candidates related to Web development big projects . good communication skills is a ld be able to conduct interview of candidates through personal laptop is required so that could hire candidates through online . Should have good understanding of client requirements and Hire candidates according to project excellent understanding of freelancing r a short call and two interview rounds(Coding+HR) will decide whether to hire or not .The portal will include resume option if unable to send through email:-.
Hiring criteria for candidates:-
dates have skill to collaborate for online freelance projects.
idate should have Excellent coding skills and other project skills to complete work in given time.
idates should perform teamwork correctly in order to achieve desire results .
team working model should be defined in order to complete project according to client requirements.