Company Overview
Greetings from Magzter Digital Private Ltd, World's largest digital magazine & newsstand app. Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital magazine newsstand with over 15,000 magazines from 4000+ publishers. The Company is headquartered in New York. We are currently focused on expanding our talent search. If you find your profile suitable for the below mentioned job description, please email your profile.
Responsibilities :
•Follow office workflow procedures to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of publishing the magazines, newspapers and articles.
•Maintaining records with effective maintenance.
•Calling Publishers and coordinating for the effective maintenance.
•Deal with publisher complaints or issues over email and the call.
•Responsible for quality conscious.
•Responsible for day-to-day publishing operations.
•Proficiency in English language (Read, Write, Speak) is must.
•Fresher or 1 - 2 years proven experience as office coordinator / executive / Caller / in a similar role.
•Experience in customer service will be a plus.
•Outstanding knowledge of MS Office, back-office.
•Should be good at typing skills.
•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
•Organized with the ability to prioritize and multi-task.
•Reliable with patience and professionalism.