Supporting district team in planning and execution of access and capital component’s related works as per PIP
Creating required level of access and capital services to facilitate and support behavior change among targeted priority groups
Provide Input in planning, identification and implementations of access and capital in consultation with district teams and in coordination with government functionaries and other stakeholders.
Support district teams in aligning project activities to agreed MEL framework for keeping track of outputs and outcomes as per agreed logic model of the project.
Maintaining adherence quality standards of all project activities especially related to access and capital components of the project.
Support in documentation, monitoring & evaluation, and learning purposes (through life histories and case studies) to illustrate the results of the project activities carried out (including taking photos and videos).
Support in capacity building of staffs and project audience related with access and capital components of the project.
Ensuring development of activities plan and implementation of thematic interventions related to access and capital in consultation with technical specialist and other team members.
Adherence to and/or preparation of annual work plan/budget
Coordination and planning field visits and project events.
Operational responsibilities
To complete Monthly activity plan and execution as per requirement.
Maintain a clear line of communication between the district team, state functionaries and Donor.
Ensure regular capturing of all project reach numbers and leverage from different source’s as per project implementation plan.
Shiv singh /Prithvi singh