Industry: Water, Waste Water Treatment, Manufacturing, Heavy Engineering
Thermal (ZLD, MEE, ATFD, Heat Exchangers, Rotary Drying, Wet Scrubber
Non-Thermal (WWT, ETP, STP, ROC)
Position: Project Manager
Experience: 8 to 10 years
Key Responsibilities:
Designing and applying appropriate project management standards for incorporation in the Process
Managing the production of the required deliverables
Planning and monitoring the project
Adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures
Preparing and maintaining the project, stage, and exception plans as required
Managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans
Monitoring overall progress and use of resources, initiating corrective action where necessary
Applying change control and configuration management processes
Reporting through agreed lines on project progress through highlight reports and end-stage assessments
Adopting and applying appropriate technical and quality strategies and standards
Identifying and obtaining support and advice required for the management, planning, and control of the project
Managing project administration
Conducting a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed
Preparing any follow-on action recommendations
Skills and Qualifications:
· Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Chemical /Mechanical.
· Must possess a minimum of 5 years of experience as a Project Manager
Apply a project management approach to the specific requirements of the project
Establish a good working relationship with the Senior Responsible Owner
Direct, manage and motivate the project team
Develop and maintain an agreed project plan and detailed stage plans
Tailor expert knowledge to meet specific circumstances