Roles & Responsibility. Project Manager
The .Project manager, operating within agreed reporting structures, is responsible for:
• Designing and applying appropriate project management standards for incorporation in the Review process
• Managing the production of the required deliverables.
• Monitoring the project
• Adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures
• Preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required
• Managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans
• Liaison with programme management (if the project is part of a programme) and related projects to ensure that work is neither overlooked nor duplicated
• Monitoring overall progress and use of resources, initiating corrective action where necessary
• Applying change control and configuration management processes
• Reporting through agreed lines on project progress through highlight reports and end-stage assessments
• Liaison with appointed project assurance representatives to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project
• Maintaining an awareness of potential interdependencies with other projects and their impact
• Adopting and applying appropriate technical and quality strategies and standards
• Identifying and obtaining support and advice required for the management, planning and control of the project
• Managing project administration
• Conducting a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed
• Preparing any follow-on action recommendations