Designation-Plant and Machinery IN charge/Manager
About the company
(Hidden)CONSTRUCTION WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED is a private company. Its registered Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh,INDIA,.. It was incorporated on 28/06/2010.
This company is registered under Registrar of Companies (RoC-Gwalior) and it is classified as the Indian Non-Government Company.
Its authorized capital is Rs. 20,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 12,220,000.(Hidden) CONSTRUCTION WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 2014-09-28 and its balance sheet date is 2014-03-31...
Current status of CONSTRUCTION WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED is - Active. CONSTRUCTION WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED involved in Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering
Roles and Responsibilities
1. To be responsible for resource planning, mobilization, plant & machinery, manpower and other resources to various site based on project requirement and schedules.
2. To implement equipment maintenance schedules at site.
3. To assist project proposal team in doing site initial survey, estimation of equipment norms for construction management.
4. To follow up and coordinate with vendors for pre-commissioning, commissioning
5. To laydown various preparation strategy like plan, procedures, startup sequence, optimization including construction and pre commissioning priorities.
6. To formulate strategy plans to enhance operations; monitoring new equipment performance, warranty claim and performance deficiency.
7. To conceptualize and implement strict measures in operating procedures and equipment centre lines to optimize resource
8. To ensure effective implementation and maintenance as per ISO
9. To steering overall planning, scheduling and management of Plant & Machinery deployed at projects, ensuring completion of assignments with in time and budgetary parameters.
10. To carry out other tasks