1 Two shift timing to & to
2 Weekly off decided by the management
3 Attendance will be record through bio-metric only.
4 Company ID and t-shirt compulsory to wear at working hours.
5 Monthly targets will be given for sales, scheme, bill cuts & new products
6 Monthly/weekly report should be submit for targets & assignment given.
7 Customer name & mobile number compulsory required for loyalty program.
8 Sampling & promote new products are compulsory.
9 Take regular feedbacks from customers about existing or new products & same should report to management.
10 Billing is compulsory for every transactions.
11 Keep & track everyday sales pattern and pro-actively plan for weekends, public holidays & festivals.
12 Shop should be ready at with all sku’s display and stacking. Take help from office boys.
13 Zero sku’s, low inventory sku’s & sku’s order but not received should informed twice in a day.
14 Before closing shop OE should make proper display of each sku’s at floor & shelf.
15 FIFO should be maintaining.
16 Next day order should be given at pm without fail.
17 Stock & cash should be tally on regular interval.
18 You are not billing executive only. OE needs to promote & sell new products, suggest customer for more purchase, focus on range selling. Maintain positive environment at shop for each customers. He/she should be happy to visit our shop.
19 On public holidays & Sunday weekly off not allowed.