1) work within the multi-disciplinary infection control committee, lead and coordinate the
work to support the development of long terms infection prevention and controlled
strategies and annual infection prevention and control program.
2) ICN should implement the policy and procedure laid clown in infection manual in all area
of hospital.
3) ICN will monitor and evaluate the impact of the infection prevention and control
strategies and working practices.
4) ICN will lead the program of infection prevention in hospital premises as per national and
regional guideline and documented. Also update it annually with updating of guidelines.
5) ICN should identify and take appropriate action to control the outbreak infection and
6) ICN should oversee the delivery of effective infection prevention and control education
7) ICN should monitor service delivery system of organization to implement, equality,
Infection prevention practices using multi-disciplinary approach to empower staff and
challenge poor practices and behavior which compromises patient care.
8) ICN should coordinate with head of organization committee member to lay-down the
strategies on infection prevention and control guideline and implement it in organization.
9) ICN should coordinate the committee member and set strategies and operational meetings
internally and externally for infection prevention issues.
10) ICN should perform surveillance activity to capture and monitor infection, prevention
and control data.
11) ICN should play a role model in nursing care and used advanced expertise to advise all
great and discipline of staff on appropriate care for all patient (IPD/OPD) and also act as
specialist advisor to all staff clinical and non-clinical on issues related to infection