About Happy World Foundation
Mother Earth is THE MOTHER of all the creations in this World.
We believe that if 1% of the World’s population can give just 1% of their time and money to her, we can create a HAPPY WORLD.
And Happy World Foundation is a platform for this 1% of the World’s Population wanting to contribute to this world within their capacity irrespective of their background. Our Mantra is “We are committed to contribute to this world and God is with us”.
Current Projects
School Sapling – Empowering School Children
Adopt A Tree – Growing Trees to increase Green Cover
Save Food – Save Natural Resources & Eliminate Hunger
Gyanashala – Rural Empowerment Program
About NGO Coordinator Role
The primary responsibility of this person would be to integrate all the departments in the NGO to reduce the possible communication gaps. The person will be involved in coordinating various activities between the departments and the Managing Trustees, therefore making this role a very important role for the NGO. A challenging role, but very interesting with lots of fun.
Job Responsibilities
Help NGO Management Group in administrating activities
Employee and Volunteer Induction & Retention
Donor and CSR Coordination & Management
Coordinating Events with respective Project Managers
Manage Social Media in coordination with Content Managers
Manage of Strategic Partnership with NGOs & Other Institutions
Coordinate & Indulge in various NGO Development Activities
General Administration activities
Desired Profile
Any Education Qualification
3+ years of work experience in any field
Good communication skill with lots of Enthusiasm
Hindi & Kannada Language is a must