Machine Operating SkilLS: Should be able to operate any of these machines – Turning, Milling, Turn Mill, Integrex, J200, J300, I300.
Machine Level: Should be able to operate any of these machines – 2 Axis, 3 Axis, 4 Axis, 5 Axis, Multi spindle, Live Tool Machines.
Machine Make: Experience of operating any of these CNC machine – Mazak, Makino, Okuma, Doosan, DMG -Mori-Seiki, Fanuc, BFW, Jyoti, ACE, Hass, Victor etc.
Industries: Manufacturing, Automobile, Development, Aerospace.
Industry Type: Batch Production, Mass Production, Tool Room (Preferably – Batch Production).
Experience: 1 to 8 Years.
Qualification Diploma Mechanical / Diploma Automobile / Diploma Production. (Full time Diploma from AICTE Approved collages / State Board Technical Education).
Role & Responsibility 1. CNC Machine Operating Experience (refer point 1 to 4)
2. Knowledge of Tools & Inserts & Good in maths / formula-based calculations
3. Knowledge of “G” Code & “M” Code.
4. Knowledge of new component setting as well as programming experience