Support to Legal team for processing contribution of PF/ESIC/PT/ LWF or
other statutory payment
Statutory return under Labour Laws for Half-Yearly and Yearly against
AOSPL/Adamas & CJHRS for Pan India
Registration/Renewal for License under Shops Act, CLRA Act, LWF, EPF &
ESIC/Electric and PT Pan India
Reply of Legal notices received from various Labour authority
Settlement of Notices under various Labour authority
Death Case settlement under GPA and WC policy
Accident report file online under ESIC within 48 hours and support the ESIC
authority till the case settlement
Preparation of file for death case settlement under PF and ESIC
Support team for preparation of file for correction/Withdrawal & transfer of
employees details in Provident Fund
To verify Form-L under gratuity before submission in Labour authority
Statutory support to team for preparing of audit documents on monthly/half-
yearly and annual basis
Liaising with Labour authority Pan India
To circulate Minimum Wages and other statutory updates to the concern
Support clients for half-yearly and annual return raw data preparation
Monthly MIS for Compliance
Monthly Management Review on a pre-scheduled date every Month.
Monthly Invoice will be accepted only along with Monthly