ATemps are providing job in various sector and various job location . ATemps is now working for 250 + Locations with multiple job opportunity.
ATemps not take any charge or exchange money for job .
ATemps is searching Hiring partner for Pan India Location .
Company : ATemps Services Pvt. Ltd .
Industry : Recruitment
Package : As per work (Approx 4000 rs to rs )
Job Type : Contract
Job Location : Work From Home / Remote Working
Job Description :
1 . Understand Job Responsibility .
2. Job Post on social media platform and free job posting sites.
3. Collect job application.
4. Describe all job responsibility and description to candidate .
5. If candidate interested in job then share job applicant information with ATemps Team .
Selection Criteria :
1. Any Graduate .
2. Familiar with Recruitment process
3. Android mobile compulsory .
4. Candidate should be Internet Savvy.
Enjoy Hiring with ATemps ...
If you are interested in this profile , Then Click on Apply and register your self for this job .