To analyse the Job Description for various clients.
Identifying the potential candidates through various sources like job portals, employee referral, head hunting,
reference generation, etc for various client requirements.
Analyze the CV's both on suitability and CTQ (Critical to Quality) as per the Job Openings.
Conducting Telephonic Interview
Sourcing the candidates based on the pre-set criteria.
Sharing Profiles to respective client through respective Head for Short listing details for Interview Scheduling.
Scheduling the interviews of candidates with respective clients on regular basis as per client demands.
Follow-up with candidates post Interview and gather feedback both from candidate & clients.
Follow up with candidates for Document collection/Offer acceptance and Joining till he/she gets onboard as per
the schedule
Following up with the candidates Post Joining
Maintaining a systematic and comprehensive database of all candidates / applicants
Develop and maintain all recruitment related MIS (Management Information System database)on a regular
Only female candidate preferred.