Job Description / Job Responsibility forHRExecutive
Recruiting & Selection of candidates and placing them as directed by various
Searching & scheduling candidates on Job Portals as per the
Organizational demand.
Resourcing employees viz. arranging interviews as per requirement of
various Organizations & requisite openings even under critical situation.
Posting and Advertising on Job Portals
Planning & Coordinating between the Organizational demand and meeting
the expected supply.
Screening, short listing the resumes on the basis of client's brief from
internal data base.
Collecting maximum relevant information of the candidate through
telephonic interview.
Scheduling interviews, regular follow up & obtaining feedback from the
client till the assignment gets closed.
Provide timelyHRreports to theHRHead.
Regular follow up with the candidates to ensure his/her joining within
minimal time.
Pre-interview Documentation and Post Interview documentation.
Handling of selection procedure of every candidate from joining to
completion of all the formalities.
Reporting all recruitment reports as per the time lines.