Welcoming Guests:
Check-in and Check-out: Greet guests warmly during check-in and bid them a fond farewell during check-out.
VIP Handling: Oversee VIP guest arrivals and departures.
Efficient Complaint Handling: Address guest complaints and concerns promptly and effectively.
Guest Assistance and Information:
Providing Information: Furnish guests with details about hotel facilities, programs, and other services.
City Knowledge: Possess comprehensive information about the hotel, the city, and even the competition.
Anticipating Needs: Anticipate guest needs and build rapport with customers.
Coordination and Communication:
Front Desk Presence: Maintain a continuous presence at the front desk or lobby.
Coordinating with Reception: Coordinate closely with receptionists for smooth check-in procedures.
Collaboration with Management: Work closely with higher management to enhance customer service through surveys, questionnaires, and tailored programs.
Interpersonal Skills and Crisis Management:
Effective Communication: Interact with guests, listen actively, and communicate clearly.
Problem-Solving: Handle crises efficiently and manage difficult situations.
Organizational Skills: Be detail-oriented, work well in teams, and manage time effectively.