1. To ensure the fill rates are maintained of the retail store and ecommerce business. 2. To ensure master of the category is maintained / prepared by the buyer as per management guidelines. 3. To ensure daily orders are processed as per reports of the retail software. 4. Timely ordering to vendor will be a key role. 5. Ensure the stocks bought with good margins and work towards enhancing the margin of the product. 6. Ensure excess stocks are brought to the notice as per the ageing of the stocks and timely action are take after seeking approval from the management. 7. Ensure regular visit to the store and warehouse to physically check the stock levels. 8. Ensure that the retail category master it corrected by deleting unwanted / nonperforming skus. 9. Maintain the margins as per management guidelines will be key in the role. 10. Vendor payments will be made by accounts team. Buyer has to ensure that the excess days credit period is negotiated while buying stocks from the new vendor. 11. Ensure timely payment and highlight to the management in case payment is pending to the vendor for speedy payout to the vendors.