About your new company
Collegedunia is an education portal, matching students with the best colleges in India abroad. We help in college research, exam prep tips, application process & also provide insights on-campus life.
Launched in 2014, we are the highest ranked portal by SimilarWeb in education. We have also been awarded as - Best Educational Portal- by IAMAI in 2017, and listed by TechinAsia as - Top 100 Startups in Asia.
Collegedunia is fuelled by the energy of over 450 individuals having an average age around 25 years. The talent pool comprises data analysts, engineers, designers, writers, managers, marketers, which is increasing at 10% every month
We have multiple product lines as follows:
- Collegedunia
- 3dot14 Digital
- Zoutons
- Car hp
- Frizza
- Kickcash
Work Culture:
Now let’s help you understand your new role About your new job responsibilities
- Working Hours: 9:30 am- 6:30 pm (Lunch and Tea Breaks included)
- Working Days: Monday-Saturday.
- Training Days: Initial 3 days of Training.
- Average No. Of Calls: 100-120/day.
- Counselling students and providing basic information and counselling over the phone regarding the suitable programs.
- Making fresh calls, follow-ups, & feedback calls on the database provided
- The process involves counselling the students for education; follow-up with the student, solving the student queries and handling the registrations.
- Filing the application forms (University) verifying them and sending the same to the university.