Installation of Operating Systems, and I/O Drivers, Application Software Installation.
Configuring MS Outlook Mail Settings.
Configuring and Troubleshooting of Desktops, and Laptops.
Installation &Troubleshooting of Local and Network Printer.
Open Systems Interconnection Layers. (OSI Layers)
Installed, Configured And Maintained The Regular Updates Of Antivirus.
Knowledge of RAM, Hardisk, MotherBoard, Ports and Straight Cables and Cross Cables.
Manage Windows Backup and Restore.
Configuration of Outlook Express and MS-Outlook.
Installation of Active Directory management of Users, Computers, Groups, and Assign Group Policies to the Users.
Installation, Configuration, and Management of DNS, DHCP.
Administering and troubleshooting LAN/WAN with Straight and Cross Cable.
Identifies, diagnoses, and resolves Level One problems for users of the mainframe, personal Computer software and hardware, Internet and new computer technology.
Delivers, tags, sets up and assists in the configuration of end-user PC desktop hardware, software and peripherals.
Diagnoses and resolves end-user network or local printer problems, PC hardware problems and mainframe, e-mail, Internet, WLAN and local-area network access problems.
Coordinates timely repair of PC computer equipment covered by third-party vendor maintenance agreements.