1. He will be responsible for order, discipline and officiant management of the
College and Hospital, subject to the control carry out the executive duties
connected with the administration of the College and Hospital and
correspond direct with the Director of Medical Education and Research. He
will be responsible for all the correspondence in connection with the College
and Hospital.
2. He will be responsible for the finance of the college and Hospital, the
preparation of Budget and indents and purchase of supplies etc.
3. He will refer the question regarding acceptance and disposal of request and
donations to the college and hospital to the Directorate of Dental Education
and Research.
4. He will arrange, in consultation with the staff of the college and Hospital, the
daily order of Lecturers and practical work for each term of the college and
to submit the arrangement thus made for confirmation to the college council.
5. He will be responsible for the discipline of the students in the Hostels and in
connection with their work in the college and in the attached hospital.
6. He will be incharge of the student's Hostel and will be responsible for their
management maintenance of discipline in them. He will also be responsible
for the suitability of outside lodgings for the students to be approved by him
and will arrange for as official inspection of such lodging every term.
7. He will be incharge of Nurses training school and will be responsible for
their management and maintenance of discipline in them.
8. He will be incharge of all apparatus which are on the college and Hospital
premises and will be responsible for their maintenance in proper condition.
9. He will preside over college council meeting and bring before the council for
consideration any question or matter according to the procedure laid down in
the rules of the college council.
10. He will sign all the certificates