We are looking for experienced, passionate, dedicated high-end interdisciplinary research professionals for the position of Director/Associate Professor/Professor at the Computer Science Department in Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions, Dehradun.
Required Qualification: The candidate must have 10+ Year Experience.
PhD from a reputed University.
Full-time in Computer Science/ IT from reputed University.
Must have a proven track record of research in the Computer Science Domain.
Must Have Knowledge of NAAC /NBA work.
Responsibilities and Duties: The duties of the candidate will involve:
Teach Theory & Lab courses to the assigned classes and students.
Evaluate student performance through exams as well as other innovative methods like class tests, examinations, quizzes, supplementary examinations etc.
Prepare question papers, grade answer scripts and invigilate during examination time.
Guide student projects at UG and PG levels, help them with reports, review articles, research papers etc.
Ensure discipline in class and on the campus
Assist in the conduct of Student admission.
Organize and associate in Industrial /field Visit for the students.
Perform Academic Administration Jobs such as Program Director/Coordinator, Course Coordinator, etc. (whenever assigned).
Organize and supervise seminars for students
Organize conferences, workshops, short courses in areas of own expertise
Write research / R&D proposals and organize grants.
Undertake research and/or R & D activities in the house
Interact with industry, seek consultancy projects and undertake consulting assignments
Assist Advancing education program by extending special lectures or designing and conducting short courses etc.
Develop Course material particularly in areas where materials are not available or are very expensive
Execute new policies, ideas etc. for improving academic rigour.
Any other duties assigned by the management from time to time.