A driver is responsible for operating a motorized vehicle, such as a car, truck, bus, or delivery van. They are typically hired by individuals, companies, or organizations to transport goods or people from one location to another.
The job duties of a driver may include:
Operating and maintaining the vehicle in a safe and efficient manner
Planning and following the most appropriate route to reach the destination
Ensuring the safety of passengers or goods during transport
Loading and unloading cargo, if necessary
Keeping the vehicle clean and well-maintained
Following traffic laws and regulations
Communicating effectively with dispatchers or customers
Recording and reporting any incidents, accidents, or issues with the vehicle.
In addition to these core responsibilities, the specific duties of a driver may vary depending on the type of vehicle they are driving, the nature of the cargo or passengers they are transporting, and the employer's specific requirements. For example, a bus driver may be responsible for collecting fares, while a truck driver may need to ensure that their cargo is properly secured and loaded according to regulations.