Urgent Hiring Banking Executive For Chennai

  • icon job experience 2 - 4 Years
  • icon job opening 10 Openings
  • icon salary 3.5 - 5.0 Lac/Yr
  • icon job location Chennai
  • Face-to-Face interview Face-to-Face interview

Job Description

OPENING POSITON in Banking Insurance sector

Hi job seekers!

Your banking and insurance job descriptions should include relevant interpersonal and soft skills. With retail banking and financial institution roles centered on sales, customer service, risk assessment, and providing advice, top skills that lead to successful career paths include:

Excellent numerical skills

Problem-solving skills

Good communication skills

An ability to build long-term relationships

Customer services skills

Sales ability

Required Banking Insurance Experience And Training

Serves as a liquidity pool that saves liquidity, thereby making it available for other activities. Many finance recruiters will offer entry-level retail banking jobs and insurance jobs to individuals without experience. However, more senior financial positions go to those with work experience/relevant experience or training from an organization such as the Chartered Banker Institute or the London Institute of Banking and Finance. Candidates might complete apprenticeships such as:

The industry's umbrella term for companies that provide a range of such financial products or services.

This includes universal banks that provide a range of financial services or companies that operate in one or more of these financial sectors.

Sales knowledge must

An insurance agent must generate leads.

Hence, he needs to indulge in data collection for better connecting with clients and prospects.

Data, in this case, means any information on clients and prospects that is an essential source for connecting with them, contacting them, and best serving them as their agent.

Experience: 0-3 yrs

Location: ST Thomas Mount


  • Experience

    2 - 4 Years

  • No. of Openings


  • Education

    B.B.A, B.E

  • Role

    Banking Executive

  • Industry Type

    Banking / Financial Services / Stock Broking

  • Gender

    [ Male / Female ]

  • Job Country


  • Type of Job

    Full Time

  • Work Location Type

    Work from Office

  • Face interview location


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