1. Book keeping : Apporval of vouchers & make sure that all the vouchers in the system are accurate as per General accounting Standards.
2. Account Finalization : Prepeartion & Presentation of Monthly Final Statements of Accounts and closing of books.
3. Expenses Management : Approval of all Expenses and Analysis of same to find out descrepencies if any.
4. Taxation : Monthly Complience of all applicable Tax Returns accuratly as per prevelant Statutory provisions within Deadlines.
5. Payroll : Monthly process the payroll with accuracy and make sure to disburse salary within deadline.
6. Company complience : Statutory complience as per company act, accuratly and within Deadline.
7. Tax Litigation : Prepare reply for Various Tax litigation, followup and Closing of litigation proactively.
8. Audit : Provde Books of accounts for Audit and getting audit done within Deadline.
9. Team Management : Interviwing , Selection, Training of Accounts Dept Staff and Engaing & Peformance Management of Team.
10. Employee / Dealer Requests : Managing Dealer and Employee Requests of your Deaprtment to ensure 100% stackholder satisfaction.
11. MIS : Preperation & Sumbmission of MIS Report to Management.
12. Systems & Process : Devloping accounting systems & process for all Account, Finance Function to ensure Simplicity and accuracy of all Data & Complience. 13. Document Management : Monitor & Maintain all Documents ( Soft Copy & Hard copy) easily Traceble and within Document Managemnent Policy.