Academic Counselor

  • icon job experience 0 - 3 Years
  • icon job opening 20 Openings
  • icon salary 2.0 - 3.0 Lac/Yr
  • icon job location Gurgaon
  • Face-to-Face interview Face-to-Face interview
Key Skills

Sales Telecaller Tele Sales Executive Career Counsellor

Job Description

We are looking for smart and dynamic people, who are passionate about helping students realize their dreams by guiding them making judicious & informed decisions about their education and career. The successful applicant would thrive on a challenging role, and be a great advisor to both the student’s and their parent’s. We would like to invite people who have worked in or would like to work with progressive organizations, as part of a successful team to come and join us. If you think you would enjoy working in a fast paced, growth-oriented organization, you are the right person for us.

Kindly fill out the form for interview with us

What would you be expected to do:

✓ Upon your joining, you will go through an intensive training program where you will be taught counselling skills, and about internal technical systems

✓ You would then be assigned to teams, with a buddy to help you get answers to your routine, day to day questions

✓ Once settled, you would be expected to counsel students on the phone with the knowledge and training imparted to you at time of onboarding.

✓ The counselling will lead to forms filling for admission, and ultimately to admission in our partner colleges as per your assigned targets.

✓ You will also have direct access to the colleges as and when required and help in the admission conversion process.

✓ You would be expected to maintain daily MIS on the calls attended and walk in’s attended (if any).

Skills you should possess:

✓ Experience – 1 to 3 Years

✓ Education: Graduate

✓ Inherent ability to have engaging conversations

✓ Excellent listening skills

✓ Excellent communications skills (English) and interpersonal skills

✓ Self-starter and ability to execute high velocity closures

✓ Ability to work in low supervision but high ownership environment

✓ Genuine interest in helping people succeed
  • Experience

    0 - 3 Years

  • No. of Openings


  • Education

    Any Bachelor Degree

  • Role

    Career Advisor

  • Industry Type

    Education / Teaching / Training / Colleges /Institutes / Universities

  • Gender

    [ Male / Female ]

  • Job Country


  • Type of Job

    Full Time

  • Work Location Type

    Work from Office

About College Dekho

At CollegeDekho, academic experts help you evaluate your career and course choices accurately while taking into account your educational background, strengths & skills. From shortlisting the best colleges to tracking your entire admission process, the counselling by our experts will make your higher education journey hassle-free and put you on the path of success.
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