AC Technician

  • icon job experience 1 - 7 Years
  • icon job opening 50 Openings
  • icon salary 2.8 - 3.8 Lac/Yr
  • icon job location Ahmedabad
  • Face-to-Face interview Face-to-Face interview
Key Skills

AC Technician AC Installation AC Service

Job Description

!!!!Urgent Opening For AC Technician Single Phase!!!!

DATE :- 7 - FEB -2023

Job Location:- All Over Ahmedabad City & Surat

Job salary:- /- to / NTH +( PF + mediclaim & insurance)+ up to 5000 incentive & Petrol Allowance per KM RS 4 rupees

Minimum 1 years Experience in Single Phase AC Technician.

Note:- Bike is compulsory
  • Experience

    1 - 7 Years

  • No. of Openings


  • Education

    B.A, B.Arch, B.B.A, B.C.A, B.Com, Diploma, Higher Secondary, Any Bachelor Degree, Professional Degree, Secondary School

  • Role

    AC Technician

  • Industry Type

    Manufacturing / Production / Quality

  • Gender


  • Job Country


  • Type of Job

    Full Time

  • Work Location Type

    Work from Office

About Adhaan Solution Pvt Ltd

Adhaan Solution was founded by Bhavna Udernani in 2010, in response to the growing demand for cost effective, flexible and tailored recruitment services, and since then Adhaan has not looked back. With the support of cutting-edge technology, master database and a dedicated team she has grown the business to a level that today Adhaan is a leading multi-industry recruitment consultancy catering to all levels of custom-made recruitment needs. Adhaan Solution specializes in temporary or contractual recruitment along with permanent and fixed employees at various levels. Our value is derived from the way we work- Transparency, Integrity, Respect and Passion together makes us create extraordinary experiences for our clients. Our clients and candidates benefit from our broad industry experience, expertise and comprehensive database which are the result of our relentless team work of 11 years. We at Adhaan Solution take pride on services that are delivered on-time with 100% compliance. Our staffing team combines deep-rooted understanding of industries best practices with an entrepreneurial management style to meet your workforce expectation from a single candidate search to a complete onsite manpower solution. This unwavering dedication to our clients has made Adhaan one of the fastest growing HR services providers in the country.
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